I do not hide behind masks but I do "wear" them as a shield of protection. My authentic self wears full face make- up, hair weaves and wigs. I feel professional, confident and beautiful. Without these things, I don't feel myself. Friends will say oh you look beautiful without make-up. But why be uncomfortable because of other's perception of my beauty... I do appreciate the compliment, but it will not drive who I aim to be. Where you the reader may not be okay with this ideal of masking, I am. Who says a natural face and natutal hair is authentic? A nervous laugh is also a mask... I tend to giggle at my own issues, because I cant make up the situations that fall into my lap...like no one would believe me unless they saw it with their own eyes.
My "I got this... mask," is my superpower. I am a Faith warrior and I got this because, I God this! I God everything and if I know He's in it, I'll get through anything. Every now and again I take it off in a moment of being overehelmed and not seeing the light. Never hopeless... lets get that straight, but sometimes doubtful. I then "suit up" and start taking names because I God this. It's never ok to mask up to disappear! But it is, to be present and purposeful. To intentionally wear a mask gives me strentgh.

What masks are you wearing? Are they hurting you or strengthening you?