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"I Don't Want Your 100%!"

Writer: fromb2pfromb2p

Getting ready the other day, I reflected on the day prior. I got into work at 0615 (my guys get in at 0630, I have to “Mamba” them) and I left work at 1545. 1545! And that day, I accomplished so much!

My day was jam-packed, the time flew by, and I was home before 1600. Any other day I would be packing up to prepare to leave at that time or later. The world has changed. And it will never be the same. At work, we have split our shifts and have made them smaller. We have an “A-Team” and a “B Team.” We are working at 50% so that if one team has folks quarantined, we can still complete the mission.

And we should be grateful. We are proving to our bosses that we can show up without breaking our backs.

My mentor, brother, and friend sat me down one day and explained giving 100%. I was having a couple rough days, and I told Chief, “I promise to give you 100%, I’ll be fine!”

Chief came back with, “No, you will, not! Minnie, I don’t want your 100%!” In my head, I was like, oh, yeah, I will, how could he say that, what in the entire… was he talking about, I thought. “If you give me 100%, what will you give Phil? What do Aria and Austen get? What about our customers, most importantly, T… what about you, what do you get? (yes, He calls me Minnie and T, I call him Chief, B2 and brilliant).” “100% is 100%. Your tank is full at 100%, Minnie!” Chief proclaimed.

Well damn! Right?! So, I had to learn to math and learn to divide my life and work by 100%. While giving my all to those fractions that are the most important at that time. The percentage looks different from day to day. I may not be able to give 20% to work today because my kids are out of school, and I’ll need to raise their percentage, and that is okay! So, today I give 100% in a brand-new way.

This past couple of weeks, I have given 100% without feeling depleted or empty. I remembered the words of the Great B2.

We are doing so much more with less. We are taking the time to ask people how they are doing and care about how they are feeling and if they need anything. We are sitting with our children and having conversations and playing with them. We give our bosses what we can with what we must work with, daily. And everyone is just fine. Maybe even happier and more productive than we’ve ever been in most cases. The chaos of today and our future has leadership on social media every day reaching out and being transparent while doing all they can to keep us safe. They have become human to us.

The uncertainty is overwhelming at times. Bu friends! We are thriving, we are winning! Give yourself Grace as we continue to get through this. Do not spread yourself so thin you disappear. Continue to “show up” and give what you can, where you can. You can’t always give 100%, But you can still give Grace! Give a little Grace here and a little thee until your bucket is full. You will be more dynamic; you will be more contented and will have more strength to power through anything.

My personal balance is centered by my faith and every day

those numbers look different; I find purpose and live with intention through Christ.


1 Comment

Minnie, I am flattered that anyone remembers anything I say, but I am honored that those words helped you when you needed them and will help your Airmen for years to come. Keep being awesome!


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