“I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being” – Maya Angelou
My name is Tynissha Cromer and as of today, I am 43 years old. I was born in Los Angeles, CA. I grew up all over the valley but call Burbank home as it was the only time I felt stability. I love fashion to include make-up and hair. I attended Brooks College for Fashion Merchandising and thrived there until I was no longer able to pay for school. I joined the Air Force in 2003 and the only regret was I wish I joined earlier.
One of my favorite Command Chiefs validated that most people who join the military are running from something. I was running from myself. As I continuously made bad decisions there was one decision left. Join the Air Force. Barely… I was almost too short, too old and too broke. But, I made it… I joined for stability, to travel and to serve my country (in that order).
It was never a goal to be married with children, but after joining the best decisions I ever made. My husband is a retired Army Combat Medic and My children are a dream. Smart, witty and absolutely beautiful.
I am a Nondestructive Inspection, E-6. In layman’s terms, I am an aircraft nurse. I can work on any aircraft, I use ultrasonic inspection, oil analysis and a plethora of other inspections to find cracks, corrosion, and oil concentrations out of limits. I dabble with X-ray as well. I do not fix the aircraft but let those who can know what’s going on after my analysis. I’m a big deal. I have done some pretty incredible things in the Air Force: First Term Airman Center (FTAC), NCOIC and was a 2.5 term Command Chief Executive Assistant. It took me longer than most to rank up so here I am at 15 years and I have been an E-6 for only a year now. Folks are ranking up pretty quickly, so I am old and behind the curve. But it’s okay. I plan to make E-7 and become a First Sergeant and retire a year or 2 after that. If I do not make E-7 in 2021, I will retire in 2023 at 20 years and will have served faithfully with dignity.
So, join me in these last couple years of service to my Nation and transition to civilian life. I hope I am able to help anyone going thought the same things and give an insight into how I make it work through Faith, Intention, and Purpose!
This is Military Life:
Address: New Mexico soon to be Alaska by way of Korea

Permanent Residency: Arizona
Phone Number: Arizona
Birthplace: California
Spouse Birthplace: Illinois
Marriage Certificate: Arizona
License: Arizona (expires in like 50 years)
Kids Birthplace: AZ /NM